On 8 Oct. 2023, six Chinese government departments, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, released the “Action Plan for the High-Quality Development of Computing Power Infrastructure” (算力基础设施高质量发展行动计划, hereinafter the “Plan”)
The highlights of the Plan are as follows.
- The computing power infrastructure in the Plan refers to a novel productivity that integrates information computing power, network capacity, and data storage, primarily aimed at providing services to society.
- By 2025, in terms of computing power, the computing scale is expected to exceed 300 EFLOPS, with intelligent computing accounting for 35%.
- National hub-node data centers aim to achieve direct network transmission with a latency not exceeding 1.5 times the theoretical delay. The optical transport network (OTN) coverage in critical application sites will reach 80%, and backbone networks and metropolitan area networks will fully support IPv6, with the adoption rate of innovative technologies such as SRv6 reaching 40%.
- Regarding storage capacity, the total storage volume will exceed 1,800 EB, with advanced storage capacity accounting for over 30%. The coverage of core data in key industries and important data backup will reach 100%.
Photo by Zhang Xupeng on Unsplash
Contributors: CJO Staff Contributors Team