The International Legal Cooperation Center (the “ILCC”) of China’s Ministry of Justice (MOJ) disclosed relevant information on the MOJ website.
As of the end of December 2022, the ILCC has effectively performed the functions of a central authority for judicial assistance in civil and commercial matters on behalf of the MOJ according to the Hague Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil and Commercial Matters, the Hague Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters, and bilateral treaties on judicial assistance in civil and commercial matters. The specific cases handled are as follows.
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1. Receiving foreign requests for judicial assistance
Among the 1692 judicial assistance requests received by the MOJ from foreign countries, 1,571 were related to the service of documents, and 121 were related to evidence-taking and the recognition and enforcement of judgments.
2. Making requests for judicial assistance abroad
Among the 820 judicial assistance requests made by the MOJ to foreign countries, 814 were for the service of documents, and six were for recognition and enforcement of judgments.
3. Concluding all kinds of judicial assistance requests
The MOJ provided judicial assistance to foreign countries in 1,827 cases.
The above cases involve the United States, Canada, Vietnam, Japan, Australia, Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, New Zealand, South Korea, France, Italy, Russia, and other countries, and the causes of actions involve various civil and commercial activities.
Cover Photo by David Veksler on Unsplash
Contributors: China Laws Portal Team