Veterans Law of the People's Republic of China
(Adopted at the 23rd Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress on November 11, 2020)
Chapter I General Provisions
第一章 总 则
Article 1 This Law is hereby enacted under the Constitution for the purpose of strengthening the protection of veterans affairs, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of veterans, and ensuring that the military service stays well respected throughout society.
第一条 为了加强退役军人保障工作,维护退役军人合法权益,让军人成为全社会尊崇的职业,根据宪法,制定本法。
Article 2 Veterans, for the purpose of this Law, are former officers, non-commissioned officers, conscripts, or other members of the Chinese People's Liberation Army who have been discharged from active duty, unless dishonorably, in accordance with the law.
第二条 本法所称退役军人,是指从中国人民解放军依法退出现役的军官、军士和义务兵等人员。
Article 3 Veterans, recognized as having made important contributions tothe development of national defense and the military, are an important force insocialist modernization.
第三条 退役军人为国防和军队建设做出了重要贡献,是社会主义现代化建设的重要力量。
Extending respect and care to veterans is a shared responsibility for society as a whole. The state provides care and preferential treatment for veterans, strengthens the mechanism for their support, and safeguards the corresponding rights and interests thereof in accordance with the law.
Article 4 The work on veterans shall fall under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, reflect the policy of facilitating economic and social development, as well as the development of national defense and the military, and follow the principles of people orientation, categorical support, service prioritization, and law-based management.
第四条 退役军人保障工作坚持中国共产党的领导,坚持为经济社会发展服务、为国防和军队建设服务的方针,遵循以人为本、分类保障、服务优先、依法管理的原则。
Article 5 The work on veterans shall be coordinated with economic development and social progress.
第五条 退役军人保障应当与经济发展相协调,与社会进步相适应。
Resettlement of veterans shall be open, fair and just.
The treatment concerning politics, livelihood, among other veterans affairsshall be based on the contributions of the veterans during their active service in the military.
The state establishes a special preferential treatment mechanism for war veterans.
Article 6 Veterans shall continue to carry forward the good traditions of the people's army, be exemplarily compliant with the Constitution, laws and regulations, keep military secrets, put the Core Socialist Values into practice, and play an active role in socialist modernization.
第六条 退役军人应当继续发扬人民军队优良传统,模范遵守宪法和法律法规,保守军事秘密,践行社会主义核心价值观,积极参加社会主义现代化建设。
Article 7 The competent department for the work on veterans of the State Council is responsible for the national work on veterans. The departments for the work on veterans of local people's governments at or above the county level are responsible for the work on veterans within their respective administrative regions.
第七条 国务院退役军人工作主管部门负责全国的退役军人保障工作。县级以上地方人民政府退役军人工作主管部门负责本行政区域的退役军人保障工作。
Relevant central Party and government organs, relevant departments of the Central Military Commission, and relevant local Party and government organs at all levels shall fulfill their due responsibilities regarding the work on veterans.
Departments in the military at all levels responsible for veterans-related work and the competent departments for the work on veterans of the people's governments at or above the county level shall make concerted efforts in the work on veterans.
Article 8 The state strengthens the IT application in the work on veterans, has veterans registered, ensures veterans information-sharing among relevant departments, and provides support for improving capacity for veterans aid.
第八条 国家加强退役军人保障工作信息化建设,为退役军人建档立卡,实现有关部门之间信息共享,为提高退役军人保障能力提供支持。
The competent department for the work on veterans of the State Council shall work closely with the relevant central Party and government organs and relevant departments of the Central Military Commission to coordinate the construction, maintenance, and application of information and data systems, as well as information security management, among others.
Article 9 The expenditures needed for the work on veterans shall be covered jointly by the central and local governments. Resettlement, education,training, and benefits shall be mainly funded by the central government.
第九条 退役军人保障工作所需经费由中央和地方财政共同负担。退役安置、教育培训、抚恤优待资金主要由中央财政负担。
Article 10 The state encourages enterprises, social organizations, individuals and other forces of society to provide support and help for veterans through donations, foundations, volunteer services, among others, in accordance with the law, and guides them in the said work.
第十条 国家鼓励和引导企业、社会组织、个人等社会力量依法通过捐赠、设立基金、志愿服务等方式为退役军人提供支持和帮助。
Article 11 Entities and individuals that have made outstanding contributions to the work on veterans shall be commended and awarded in line with applicable regulations of the state.
第十一条 对在退役军人保障工作中做出突出贡献的单位和个人,按照国家有关规定给予表彰、奖励。
Chapter II Transfer and Acceptance
第二章 移交接收
Article 12 The competent department for the work on veterans of the State Council, the Central Military Commission’s political work department, and relevant central Party and government organs shall make annual plans for the transfer and acceptance of veterans.
第十二条 国务院退役军人工作主管部门、中央军事委员会政治工作部门、中央和国家有关机关应当制定全国退役军人的年度移交接收计划。
Article 13 Veterans' former military units shall transfer the veterans to the competent departments for the work on veterans of the people's governments atthe places of resettlement, and the competent departments thereof are responsible for accepting the veterans.
第十三条 退役军人原所在部队应当将退役军人移交安置地人民政府退役军人工作主管部门,安置地人民政府退役军人工作主管部门负责接收退役军人。
Places of resettlement of veterans shall be determined in accordance with relevant regulations of the state.
Article 14 Veterans shall, within the prescribed time, register in the competent departments for the work on veterans of the people's governments at the places of resettlement with the discharge certificates issued by the military.
第十四条 退役军人应当在规定时间内,持军队出具的退役证明到安置地人民政府退役军人工作主管部门报到。
Article 15 The competent departments for the work on veterans of the people's governments at the places of resettlement shall issue preferential treatment cards to the veterans upon acceptance.
第十五条 安置地人民政府退役军人工作主管部门在接收退役军人时,向退役军人发放退役军人优待证。
Preferential treatment cards for veterans shall be made, numbered and issued in a unified way nationwide, and the regulations on their management and utilization shall be formulated by the competent department for the work on veterans of the State Council in consultation with the relevant departments.
Article 16 Where servicepersons are discharged, their military units shall transfer their personnel files to the competent departments of the people's governments at the places of resettlement in a timely fashion.
第十六条 军人所在部队在军人退役时,应当及时将其人事档案移交安置地人民政府退役军人工作主管部门。
The abovementioned departments shall, in line with applicable regulations of the state on management of personnel files, accept and keep such files beforetransferring them to the relevant entities.
Article 17 The public security organs of the people's governments at the places of resettlement shall, in line with applicable regulations of the state, process the household registration of veterans in a timely fashion. The competent departments for the work on veterans at the same levels shall provide assistance.
第十七条 安置地人民政府公安机关应当按照国家有关规定,及时为退役军人办理户口登记,同级退役军人工作主管部门应当予以协助。
Article 18 Veterans' former military units shall, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, transfer to the social insurance agencies in a timely manner the old-age insurance, medical insurance and other social insurance schemes of the veterans and their unemployed spouses who were resettled with them during their active service, together with the corresponding funds.
第十八条 退役军人原所在部队应当按照有关法律法规规定,及时将退役军人及随军未就业配偶的养老、医疗等社会保险关系和相应资金,转入安置地社会保险经办机构。
The competent departments for the work on veterans of the people's governments at the places of resettlement shall work closely with the social insurance agencies and the relevant departments in the military to facilitate the transfer of social insurance schemes and the corresponding funds in accordance with the law.
Article 19 Where issues occur in the process of transfer and acceptance of veterans, those issues pertaining to the active service of the veterans shall be handled by their former military units, the resettlement-related issues by the people's governments at the places of resettlement, and issues concerning their transfer or acceptance by the people's governments at the places of resettlement with the cooperation of the veterans’ former military units.
第十九条 退役军人移交接收过程中,发生与其服现役有关的问题,由原所在部队负责处理;发生与其安置有关的问题,由安置地人民政府负责处理;发生其他移交接收方面问题的,由安置地人民政府负责处理,原所在部队予以配合。
Where the former military units of veterans are abolished, or where the units are transferred to or merged with other units, the said issues shall be handled by the higher-level units of those former military units or the units which those former units are transferred to or merged with according to the the preceding paragraph.
Chapter III Resettlement
第三章 退役安置
Article 20 Local people's governments at all levels shall, in keeping with the plans of transfer and acceptance of veterans, honor their responsibilities and fulfill the mission of veterans resettlement.
第二十条 地方各级人民政府应当按照移交接收计划,做好退役军人安置工作,完成退役军人安置任务。
Party and government organs, people’s organizations, enterprises, public institutions, and social organizations shall accept and resettle veterans in accordance with the law, and veterans shall accept such resettlement.
Article 21 In respect of former officers who have been discharged under conditions other than dishonorable, the state adopts resettlement methods such as retirement, transfer to civilian services, monthly pensions, and demobilization.
第二十一条 对退役的军官,国家采取退休、转业、逐月领取退役金、复员等方式妥善安置。
Where retirement is used for resettlement and the said officers are transferred to the people's governments at the places of resettlement, the said governments shall, based on both government guarantee and commercial services, put services and management in place, and guarantee the treatment of those officers.
In respect of those officers to be resettled by transfer to civilian services, the people’s governments at the places of resettlement shall provide jobs for them and determine their positions and ranks according to their moral integrity, professional competence as well as their former positions, ranks, contributions, and specializations while on active duty in the military, as well as the needs of the proposed job positions.
Those officers who have served on active duty for a prescribed period of time and are to be resettled in the form of monthly pensions shall receive such pensions on a monthly basis in line with applicable regulations of the state.
Where demobilization is used for resettlement of those officers, the said officers shall receive demobilization pay in line with applicable regulations of the state.
Article 22 In respect of former non-commissioned officers who have been discharged under conditions other than dishonorable, the state adopts resettlement methods such as monthly pensions, employment based on individual initiative, employment based on job placement, retirement, as well asgovernment support.
第二十二条 对退役的军士,国家采取逐月领取退役金、自主就业、安排工作、退休、供养等方式妥善安置。
Those officers who have served on active duty for a prescribed period of time and are to be resettled in the form of monthly pensions shall receive such pensions on a monthly basis as stipulated by applicable regulations of the state.
Those officers who have served on active duty shorter than the prescribed period of enlistment and are to be resettled through employment based on individual initiative shall receive a lump-sum severance payment.
Where those officers are to be resettled through employment based on job placement, the people’s governments at the places of resettlement shall provide the said officers with jobs based on the contributions and specializations of those officers while on active duty in the military.
In respect of those officers to be resettled through retirement, the people's governments at the places of resettlement shall, based on both state support and social services, put services and management in place, and guarantee the treatment of those officers.
Where those officers are to be resettled in the form of government support, the state shall provide for the said officers in their entire life.
Article 23 In respect of conscripts who have been discharged under conditions other than dishonorable, the state adopts resettlement methods such as employment based on individual initiative, employment based on job placement, as well as government support.
第二十三条 对退役的义务兵,国家采取自主就业、安排工作、供养等方式妥善安置。
Those conscripts to be resettled through employment based on individual initiative shall receive a lump-sum severance payment.
In respect of those conscripts to be resettled through employment based onjob placement, the people's governments at the places of resettlement shall provide jobs for them based on their contributions and specializations while on active duty in the military.
Where those conscripts are to be resettled in the form of government support, the state shall provide for the said conscripts in their entire life.
Article 24 The applicable conditions for resettlement methods such as retirement, transfer to civilian services, monthly pensions, demobilization, employment based on individual initiative, employment based on job placement, and government support shall be consistent with applicable laws and regulations.
第二十四条 退休、转业、逐月领取退役金、复员、自主就业、安排工作、供养等安置方式的适用条件,按照相关法律法规执行。
Article 25 The officers to be transferred to civilian services as well as thenon-commissioned officers and the conscripts to be employed through jobplacement shall be recruited by Party and government organs, people’sorganizations, public institutions, and state-owned enterprises. The following veterans shall be given priority:
第二十五条 转业军官、安排工作的军士和义务兵,由机关、群团组织、事业单位和国有企业接收安置。对下列退役军人,优先安置:
(1) War veterans;
(2) Demobilized officers who served as chief officers of combat troops, brigades, regiments, and battalions;
(3) Veterans who are the children of martyrs, or who are commended as heroes and role models;
(4) Veterans who have served on active duty in remote regions, regions under tough conditions, or special positions on a long term basis.
Article 26 Party and government organs, people’s organizations, and public institutions that hire the officers transferred to civilian services as well as thenon-commissioned officers and the conscripts resettled with job placement shall ensure that the said officers and conscripts acquire such posts as are officially established in line with applicable regulations of the state.
第二十六条 机关、群团组织、事业单位接收安置转业军官、安排工作的军士和义务兵的,应当按照国家有关规定给予编制保障。
State-owned enterprises that employ the officers transferred to civilian services as well as the non-commissioned officers or the conscripts resettled withjob placement shall sign labor contracts with them and guarantee their corresponding treatment in accordance with regulations of the state.
The employers referred to in the preceding two paragraphs that are to downsize their workforce in accordance with the law shall prioritize the retaining of the recruited veterans who have been transferred to civilian services or provided with jobs for resettlement.
Article 27 Where the officers or the non-commissioned officers who receive monthly pensions for resettlement are hired as civil servants or by public institutions, such monthly pensions shall be suspended from the next month of the time they are hired. Their treatment thereafter shall be determined in line with applicable laws and regulations on the management of civil servants and functionaries of the public institutions.
第二十七条 以逐月领取退役金方式安置的退役军官和军士,被录用为公务员或者聘用为事业单位工作人员的,自被录用、聘用下月起停发退役金,其待遇按照公务员、事业单位工作人员管理相关法律法规执行。
Article 28 The state establishes a system of mandatory transfer, acceptance, recuperation, and resettlement for the wounded, sick or disabled veterans. Relevant departments in the military shall transfer such veterans to the people's governments at the places of resettlement in a timely manner for resettlement, and the said governments shall resolve the difficulties in housing, medical care, rehabilitation, nursing and livelihood that those veterans may encounter.
第二十八条 国家建立伤病残退役军人指令性移交安置、收治休养制度。军队有关部门应当及时将伤病残退役军人移交安置地人民政府安置。安置地人民政府应当妥善解决伤病残退役军人的住房、医疗、康复、护理和生活困难。
Article 29 People's governments at all levels shall strengthen the work of supporting the military and giving preferential treatment to families of servicepersons and martyrs to help the foregoing persons address problems and difficulties.
第二十九条 各级人民政府加强拥军优属工作,为军人和家属排忧解难。
Where officers and non-commissioned officers who meet the conditions are discharged from active duty, their spouses and children may relocate and transfer their household registrations with the said officers in line with applicableregulations of the state.
Where spouses to be relocated are employees of Party organs, government organs or public institutions, and are qualified under the applicable laws and regulations, the people's governments at the places of resettlement shall be responsible for providing jobs for such spouses at the corresponding organs or institutions. Where spouses work for other entities or are not employed, the abovementioned governments shall provide them with employment guidance tohelp them land jobs.
Where the children to be relocated need to transfer to another school or get enrolled, the competent departments of educational administration of the people’s governments at the places of resettlement shall handle those needs in a timely manner. High priority shall be given to the children who are to relocate with veterans who meet any one of the following conditions.
(1) War veterans;
(2) Veterans who are the children of martyrs, or who are commended as heroes and role models;
(3) Veterans who have served on active duty in remote regions, regions under tough conditions, or special positions on a long term basis; or
(4) Other veterans who meet conditions.
Article 30 The specific measures for the resettlement of veterans shall be formulated by the State Council and the Central Military Commission.
第三十条 军人退役安置的具体办法由国务院、中央军事委员会制定。
Chapter IV Education and Training
第四章 教育培训
Article 31 The education and training for veterans shall be oriented towardsimproving the quality of employment and meeting the social needs. Therefore,distinctive, refined and targeted training services shall be provided for veterans.
第三十一条 退役军人的教育培训应当以提高就业质量为导向,紧密围绕社会需求,为退役军人提供有特色、精细化、针对性强的培训服务。
The state shall take measures to strengthen the education and training forveterans, help them improve their knowledge structure, promote their political awareness, professional skills and comprehensive professional qualities, and enhance their employment and entrepreneurial capabilities.
Article 32 The state establishes a curriculum system for veterans where education and vocational training go in parallel, develops a coordination mechanism for veterans education and training, and coordinates the planning of veterans education and training.
第三十二条 国家建立学历教育和职业技能培训并行并举的退役军人教育培训体系,建立退役军人教育培训协调机制,统筹规划退役军人教育培训工作。
Article 33 Before servicepersons are discharged, their military units, subject to the completion of the military tasks, may provide them with vocational training based on the characteristics and conditions of the units, andorganize them to participate in self-taught higher education examinations,continuing higher education provided by all types of institutions of higher learning, as well as non-degree continuing education focused on knowledge development, skill training, and the like.
第三十三条 军人退役前,所在部队在保证完成军事任务的前提下,可以根据部队特点和条件提供职业技能储备培训,组织参加高等教育自学考试和各类高等学校举办的高等学历继续教育,以及知识拓展、技能培训等非学历继续教育。
The competent departments for the work on veterans of the local people's governments at or above the county level, where the military units which enlist servicepersons on active duty are located, shall provide the said units with assistance in terms of education and training.
Article 34 Veterans on a degree program shall enjoy the national education subsidies on tuition fees and grants in line with applicable regulations of the state.
第三十四条 退役军人在接受学历教育时,按照国家有关规定享受学费和助学金资助等国家教育资助政策。
In accordance with overall national plans, colleges and universities may enroll veterans through separate plans for admissions.
Article 35 Where servicepersons were admitted to or studying at regular colleges or universities before enlisted, the enrollment qualifications or student status of such servicepersons shall be retained during their active service. They are allowed to matriculate at the said colleges or universities or resume the previous education within two years after discharge, and may be transferred to other majors in line with applicable regulations of the state. Those veterans who meet the requirements for applying for graduate programs shall enjoy the preferential policies as stipulated by applicable regulations of the state.
第三十五条 现役军人入伍前已被普通高等学校录取或者是正在普通高等学校就学的学生,服现役期间保留入学资格或者学籍,退役后两年内允许入学或者复学,可以按照国家有关规定转入本校其他专业学习。达到报考研究生条件的,按照国家有关规定享受优惠政策。
Article 36 The state relies on and encourages educational resources such as regular colleges and universities, vocational colleges (including technical colleges), and professional training institutions to provide vocational training for veterans. Veterans below the statutory retirement age who need to land a job orstart a business may enjoy vocational training subsidies and other corresponding supporting policies.
第三十六条 国家依托和支持普通高等学校、职业院校(含技工院校)、专业培训机构等教育资源,为退役军人提供职业技能培训。退役军人未达到法定退休年龄需要就业创业的,可以享受职业技能培训补贴等相应扶持政策。
Where servicepersons are discharged from active duty, the people’s governments at the places of resettlement shall organize them to participate in vocational education and skill training free of charge in light with their employment needs. Diplomas, vocational qualification certificates, or vocational skills certificates shall be issued to such servicepersons after they pass the corresponding examinations, and recommendation for employment shall be provided by the said governments.
Article 37 The competent departments for the work on veterans of provincial-level people’s governments shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, strengthen dynamic management, and regularly inspect and assess the training quality of regular colleges and universities, vocational colleges (including technical colleges), and professional training institutions that provide vocational training for veterans, so as to improve the quality of vocational training.
第三十七条 省级人民政府退役军人工作主管部门会同有关部门加强动态管理,定期对为退役军人提供职业技能培训的普通高等学校、职业院校(含技工院校)、专业培训机构的培训质量进行检查和考核,提高职业技能培训质量和水平。
Chapter V Employment and Business-Starting
第五章 就业创业
Article 38 The state encourages and helps veterans’ employment and business-starting by means of governmental initiative, market guidance and social support.
第三十八条 国家采取政府推动、市场引导、社会支持相结合的方式,鼓励和扶持退役军人就业创业。
Article 39 People's governments at all levels shall strengthen guidance and services for veterans in seeking employment and starting business.
第三十九条 各级人民政府应当加强对退役军人就业创业的指导和服务。
The competent departments for the work on veterans of the local people’s governments at or above the county level shall step up efforts in publicity, organization, and coordination of the employment and business-starting of veterans. The said departments shall also hold, among other events, special job fairs for veterans in conjunction with relevant departments, and carry out employment recommendation and career guidance to help veterans land jobs.
Article 40 Veterans who have been disabled in war, in the line of duty, or due to medical conditions, and have obtained disability ratings during active service, or underwent disability assessment or reassessment after discharge, shall be given high priority to enjoy the preferential employment policies for disabled people as prescribed by the state, provided that the said veterans are capable and willing to work.
第四十条 服现役期间因战、因公、因病致残被评定残疾等级和退役后补评或者重新评定残疾等级的残疾退役军人,有劳动能力和就业意愿的,优先享受国家规定的残疾人就业优惠政策。
Article 41 Public service agencies in human resources shall provide veterans with career recommendation, entrepreneurship guidance, and other services free of charge.
第四十一条 公共人力资源服务机构应当免费为退役军人提供职业介绍、创业指导等服务。
The state encourages for-profit human resource agencies and social organizations to provide free or discounted services for veterans in terms of seeking employment and starting business.
Veterans who do not succeed in landing a job forthwith may enjoy unemployment insurance in accordance with regulations after filing theiremployment status at the departments of human resources and social security.
Article 42 Where Party and government organs, people’s organizations, public institutions and state-owned enterprises recruit personnel, they may appropriately relax the age and diploma requirements of veterans, and prioritize recruitment of veterans under the same conditions. Active duty of the non-commissioned officers and conscripts is deemed as a work experience at the community level.
第四十二条 机关、群团组织、事业单位和国有企业在招录或者招聘人员时,对退役军人的年龄和学历条件可以适当放宽,同等条件下优先招录、招聘退役军人。退役的军士和义务兵服现役经历视为基层工作经历。
Non-commissioned officers and conscripts who were members of Party and government organs, people’s organizations, public institutions, or state-owned enterprises before joining the army may reinstate their jobs after discharge.
Article 43 A certain number of civil servant posts at the community level, which are open for college graduate veterans who served on active duty for no fewer than five years during college, shall be set up in various places.
第四十三条 各地应当设置一定数量的基层公务员职位,面向服现役满五年的高校毕业生退役军人招考。
College graduate veterans who served on active duty for no fewer than five years during college may apply for posts that are reserved for personnel that serve the community-level programs. The civil servant examination and admission plan for the abovementioned personnel shall also apply to such veterans .
Localities shall prioritize recruiting outstanding veterans as full-time functionaries for primary-level Party organizations, communities and villages.
High priority shall be accorded to the qualified veterans in respect of armycivilian jobs, positions at national defense education institutions, among others.
The state encourages veterans to take jobs for local development in borderlands and safeguard border stability.
Article 44 The years of active duty of veterans shall be counted as working years and calculated into the years of service for their employers after discharge.
第四十四条 退役军人服现役年限计算为工龄,退役后与所在单位工作年限累计计算。
Article 45 Startup incubators and entrepreneurship parks funded and builtby local people's governments at or above the county level alone or together with non-governmental investors shall accord high priority to veterans in terms of startup services. Regions with available resources may establish startup incubators and entrepreneurship parks dedicated for veterans to provide them with preferential services in terms of workspace, investment, financing, among others.
第四十五条 县级以上地方人民政府投资建设或者与社会共建的创业孵化基地和创业园区,应当优先为退役军人创业提供服务。有条件的地区可以建立退役军人创业孵化基地和创业园区,为退役军人提供经营场地、投资融资等方面的优惠服务。
Article 46 Veterans who establish small and micro enterprises may, in line with applicable regulations of the state, apply for secured loans for startups and enjoy the preferential financing policies such as loans with discounted interest.
第四十六条 退役军人创办小微企业,可以按照国家有关规定申请创业担保贷款,并享受贷款贴息等融资优惠政策。
The self-employed veterans enjoy tax reduction in accordance with the law.
Article 47 With the legal requirements met, employers recruiting veterans enjoy tax reduction and other preferential policies in accordance with the law.
第四十七条 用人单位招用退役军人符合国家规定的,依法享受税收优惠等政策。
Chapter VI Consolation Compensation and Preferential Treatment
第六章 抚恤优待
Article 48 People's governments at all levels shall uphold the principle of according both inclusive benefits and preferential treatment to veterans. While ensuring that veterans enjoy inclusive policies and public services, the said governments shall give the veterans preferential treatment in light of thecontributions of those veterans while on active duty and the realities in each locality.
第四十八条 各级人民政府应当坚持普惠与优待叠加的原则,在保障退役军人享受普惠性政策和公共服务基础上,结合服现役期间所做贡献和各地实际情况给予优待。
War veterans shall have better preferential treatment than other veterans.
Article 49 The state shall gradually eliminate urban-rural gaps concerning the consolation compensation and preferential treatment for veterans, reduce regional differences, and establish a unified and balanced quantitative system for consolation compensation and preferential treatment.
第四十九条 国家逐步消除退役军人抚恤优待制度城乡差异、缩小地区差异,建立统筹平衡的抚恤优待量化标准体系。
Article 50 Veterans shall participate in social insurance schemes such as elderly care insurance, medical insurance, employment injury insurance, unemployment insurance, and maternity insurance, and enjoy the corresponding treatment.
第五十条 退役军人依法参加养老、医疗、工伤、失业、生育等社会保险,并享受相应待遇。
The period of the active duty of veterans shall be merged with the yearsbefore and after the active duty in the calculation of payment and coverage time span of basic elderly care insurance for employees, basic medical insurance for employees, and unemployment insurance in accordance with the law.
Article 51 In respect of veterans who are qualified for the preferential treatment of resettlement housing, the people's governments at the places of resettlement, in line with overall and well-conceived plans, put in place two solutions of purchasing houses in the open market and constructing houses jointly with the military.
第五十一条 退役军人符合安置住房优待条件的,实行市场购买与军地集中统建相结合,由安置地人民政府统筹规划、科学实施。
Article 52 Military medical institutions and public civilian medical institutions shall provide preferential services for veterans who seek medical advice and treatment, and give preferential treatment to war veterans and disabled veterans.
第五十二条 军队医疗机构、公立医疗机构应当为退役军人就医提供优待服务,并对参战退役军人、残疾退役军人给予优惠。
Article 53 Veterans shall enjoy preferential treatment in public transportation, culture, and tourism with valid certificates such as the preferentialtreatment cards for veterans. The specific measures shall be formulated by provincial-level governments.
第五十三条 退役军人凭退役军人优待证等有效证件享受公共交通、文化和旅游等优待,具体办法由省级人民政府制定。
Article 54 People's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen the development of veterans hospitals and homes, and make full use of existing medical and elderly care service resources to provide treatment or centralized support for elderly veterans who are unable to do self-care.
第五十四条 县级以上人民政府加强优抚医院、光荣院建设,充分利用现有医疗和养老服务资源,收治或者集中供养孤老、生活不能自理的退役军人。
All kinds of social nursing homes shall give high priority to accepting elderly veterans and disabled veterans.
Article 55 The state establishes the support and assistance mechanism for veterans, and provides support and assistance in terms of elderly care, medical care, and housing for veterans who have difficulties in livelihood in line with applicable regulations of the state.
第五十五条 国家建立退役军人帮扶援助机制,在养老、医疗、住房等方面,对生活困难的退役军人按照国家有关规定给予帮扶援助。
Article 56 Disabled veterans shall enjoy consolation compensation in accordance with the law.
第五十六条 残疾退役军人依法享受抚恤。
Disabled veterans shall be entitled to disability pensions based on the disability ratings, and the standard is determined by the competent department for the work on veterans in conjunction with the financial department of the State Council in light of national economic and social development, consumer prices, wages of urban employees nationwide, and national financial resources. Disability pensions shall be issued by the competent departments for the work on veterans of the people's governments at the county level.
Chapter VII Commendations and Incentives
第七章 褒扬激励
Article 57 The state establishes the honorary incentive mechanism to commend and award veterans who have made outstanding contributions to socialist modernization. Veterans who received commendations and awards while on active duty shall enjoy the corresponding treatment in line with applicable regulations of the state after discharge.
第五十七条 国家建立退役军人荣誉激励机制,对在社会主义现代化建设中做出突出贡献的退役军人予以表彰、奖励。退役军人服现役期间获得表彰、奖励的,退役后按照国家有关规定享受相应待遇。
Article 58 The people's governments at the places of resettlement, upon the acceptance of veterans, shall hold welcome ceremonies for the veterans. Such ceremonies shall be conducted by the competent departments for the work on veterans of the people's governments at the places of resettlement.
第五十八条 退役军人安置地人民政府在接收退役军人时,应当举行迎接仪式。迎接仪式由安置地人民政府退役军人工作主管部门负责实施。
Article 59 The local people's governments shall present honorary plaques to the families of veterans and extend kind solicitude to them in regular visits.
第五十九条 地方人民政府应当为退役军人家庭悬挂光荣牌,定期开展走访慰问活动。
Article 60 When the state, localities, and the military hold major celebrations, veterans shall be invited.
第六十条 国家、地方和军队举行重大庆典活动时,应当邀请退役军人代表参加。
The invited veterans, while attending the celebrations, may dress up in the standard suits at the time of discharge, and wear medals, commemorative badges and other badges awarded while on active duty and after discharge.
Article 61 The state attaches importance to the active role of veterans in patriotic education and national defense education campaigns. Party and government organs, people’s organizations, enterprises, public institutions, and social organizations may invite veterans to assist in patriotic and national defense education. The departments of educational administration of the people's governments at or above the county level may invite veterans to participate in national defense education and training in schools, and schools may invite veterans to participate in military training programs for students.
第六十一条 国家注重发挥退役军人在爱国主义教育和国防教育活动中的积极作用。机关、群团组织、企业事业单位和社会组织可以邀请退役军人协助开展爱国主义教育和国防教育。县级以上人民政府教育行政部门可以邀请退役军人参加学校国防教育培训,学校可以聘请退役军人参与学生军事训练。
Article 62 The competent departments for the work on veterans of the people's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen the publicity of the meritorious deeds of veterans, and promote the patriotism, revolutionary heroism, and dedication of veterans through public interest advertisements and themed literary and art works.
第六十二条 县级以上人民政府退役军人工作主管部门应当加强对退役军人先进事迹的宣传,通过制作公益广告、创作主题文艺作品等方式,弘扬爱国主义精神、革命英雄主义精神和退役军人敬业奉献精神。
Article 63 The organizations responsible for compiling local annals of the local people's government at or above the county level shall incorporate into local annals the veterans who meet any one of the following conditions, as well as their deeds.
第六十三条 县级以上地方人民政府负责地方志工作的机构应当将本行政区域内下列退役军人的名录和事迹,编辑录入地方志:
(1) War veterans;
(2) Veterans who have been awarded second-class merit or above;
(3) Veterans who have been commended at or above the provincial/ministerial level or the theater level;
(4) Other veterans who meet conditions.
Article 64 The state formulates overall plans for the construction of memorial facilities for martyrs, and promotes the spirit of heroes and martyrs by holding, among other activities, commemorative events for heroes and martyrs. The competent departments for the work on veterans are responsible for the maintenance, protection and management of martyrs' memorial facilities.
第六十四条 国家统筹规划烈士纪念设施建设,通过组织开展英雄烈士祭扫纪念活动等多种形式,弘扬英雄烈士精神。退役军人工作主管部门负责烈士纪念设施的修缮、保护和管理。
The state promotes the construction of military cemeteries. Eligible veterans, after death, may be buried in military cemeteries.
Chapter VIII Services and Management
第八章 服务管理
Article 65 The state strengthens the service institutions for veterans and establishes a sound service system for veterans. People's governments at or above the county level establish service centers for veterans, and towns and townships, subdistricts, and rural and urban communities set up service stations for veterans, so as to improve services for veterans.
第六十五条 国家加强退役军人服务机构建设,建立健全退役军人服务体系。县级以上人民政府设立退役军人服务中心,乡镇、街道、农村和城市社区设立退役军人服务站点,提升退役军人服务保障能力。
Article 66 Service agencies for veterans such as service centers and stations for veterans shall strengthen communication with veterans, and render good services to veterans by helping them seek employment and start business, providing them with consolation compensation and preferential treatment, extending solicitude in regular visits, and protecting their rights and interests.
第六十六条 退役军人服务中心、服务站点等退役军人服务机构应当加强与退役军人联系沟通,做好退役军人就业创业扶持、优抚帮扶、走访慰问、权益维护等服务保障工作。
Article 67 The competent departments for the work on veterans of the people’s governments at or above the county level shall strengthen the theoretical and political education of veterans, keep abreast of the thoughts, work, and livelihood of veterans, and guide the entities that accept and resettle veterans and other organizations through theoretical and political work, as well as good services for veterans.
第六十七条 县级以上人民政府退役军人工作主管部门应当加强退役军人思想政治教育工作,及时掌握退役军人的思想情况和工作生活状况,指导接收安置单位和其他组织做好退役军人的思想政治工作和有关保障工作。
The entities in charge of accepting and resettling veterans and other organizations shall fulfill their duties regarding theoretical and political work forveterans and render good services to veterans in light of the work and livelihood of veterans.
Article 68 The competent departments for the work on veterans of the people's governments at or above the county level, the entities in charge of accepting and resettling veterans and other organizations shall enhance the education of confidentiality for veterans as well as veterans management.
第六十八条 县级以上人民政府退役军人工作主管部门、接收安置单位和其他组织应当加强对退役军人的保密教育和管理。
Article 69 The competent departments for the work on veterans of the people's governments at or above the county level shall publicize laws, regulations, policies and systems related to veterans through various channels such as radio, television, newspapers, and the internet.
第六十九条 县级以上人民政府退役军人工作主管部门应当通过广播、电视、报刊、网络等多种渠道宣传与退役军人相关的法律法规和政策制度。
Article 70 The competent departments for the work on veterans of the people's government at or above the county level shall establish sound mechanisms for safeguarding the rights and interests of veterans, unclog channels for expressing their demands, and provide support and assistance for veterans to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. Infringements on the lawful rights and interests of veterans shall be handled in accordance with the law. Relevant public legal service agencies shall provide legal assistance and other necessary assistance for veterans in accordance with the law.
第七十条 县级以上人民政府退役军人工作主管部门应当建立健全退役军人权益保障机制,畅通诉求表达渠道,为退役军人维护其合法权益提供支持和帮助。退役军人的合法权益受到侵害,应当依法解决。公共法律服务有关机构应当依法为退役军人提供法律援助等必要的帮助。
Article 71 The competent departments for the work on veterans of the people’s governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the law, guide and urge relevant departments and other organizations in veteransresettlement, education and training, employment and business-starting, consolation and preferential treatment, commendations and incentives, as well as support for the military and preferential treatment for families of servicepersons and martyrs. The foregoing competent departments shall also supervise and inspect the implementation of the laws, regulations, policies and measures concerning the work on veterans, and promote the resolution of problems concerning the work on veterans.
第七十一条 县级以上人民政府退役军人工作主管部门应当依法指导、督促有关部门和单位做好退役安置、教育培训、就业创业、抚恤优待、褒扬激励、拥军优属等工作,监督检查退役军人保障相关法律法规和政策措施落实情况,推进解决退役军人保障工作中存在的问题。
Article 72 The state employs a responsibility system and an assessment system for the work on veterans. The people's governments at or above the county level shall incorporate the completion of the work on veterans into the assessment of relevant departments in charge of the work on veterans, the leaders thereof, the lower-level people's governments and their leaders.
第七十二条 国家实行退役军人保障工作责任制和考核评价制度。县级以上人民政府应当将退役军人保障工作完成情况,纳入对本级人民政府负责退役军人有关工作的部门及其负责人、下级人民政府及其负责人的考核评价内容。
Where regions and entities fail to fully implement policies on the work on veterans and the work is not well proceeded, the competent departments for the work on veterans of the people's governments at or above the provincial level, in conjunction with relevant departments, shall hold regulatory talks with the principal leaders of the governments of those regions or those entities.
Article 73 The competent departments for the work on veterans and their staff shall consciously accept public supervision while performing their duties.
第七十三条 退役军人工作主管部门及其工作人员履行职责,应当自觉接受社会监督。
Article 74 Relevant Party and government organs and departments shall, in a timely manner and in accordance with the law, handle reports and complaints about violations of this Law in the work on veterans, and notify the informants and complainers of the results.
第七十四条 对退役军人保障工作中违反本法行为的检举、控告,有关机关和部门应当依法及时处理,并将处理结果告知检举人、控告人。
Chapter IX Legal Liability
第九章 法律责任
Article 75 Where the acts of the competent departments for the work on veterans and their staff fall under the following malpractices, order of rectification shall be made by the competent departments at the next higher level, and the directly liable persons in charge and other directly liable persons shall be punished in accordance with the law.
第七十五条 退役军人工作主管部门及其工作人员有下列行为之一的,由其上级主管部门责令改正,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分:
(1) Failing to determine the veterans treatment as is stipulated by regulations;
(2) Issuing falsified documents in the course of the resettlement of veterans;
(3) Issuing preferential treatment cards to veterans who are not qualified;
(4) Misappropriating, withholding, or dividing without authorization funds for the work on veterans;
(5) Determining the beneficiaries, standards, and values of consolation compensation and preferential treatment or according relevant treatment to veterans against the regulations;
(6) Taking advantage of their positions in the work on veterans to seek personal gain for themselves or others;
(7) Breaching their duties in the work on veterans; or
(8) Other actions that violate laws and regulations.
Article 76 Where other departments in charge of veterans-related matters and their staff violate this Law, the competent departments at the next higher level thereof shall demand rectifications, and the directly liable persons in chargeand other directly liable persons shall be punished in accordance with the law.
第七十六条 其他负责退役军人有关工作的部门及其工作人员违反本法有关规定的,由其上级主管部门责令改正,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分。
Article 77 Where an entity, in violation of this Law, refuses or unreasonably delays veterans resettlement, order of rectification within a prescribed period of time shall be made by the department for the work on veterans of the people’s government at the place of resettlement. Where this entity fails to make rectification within the time limit, it shall be sanctioned through circulation of a notice of criticism. The principal leader and direct offenders of this entity shall be punished by relevant departments in accordance with the law.
第七十七条 违反本法规定,拒绝或者无故拖延执行退役军人安置任务的,由安置地人民政府退役军人工作主管部门责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,予以通报批评。对该单位主要负责人和直接责任人员,由有关部门依法给予处分。
Article 78 Where veterans fraudulently obtain veterans related treatment, the treatment shall be canceled and the illegal income confiscated by the competent departments for the work on veterans of the local people's governments at or above the county level, and such veterans shall be punished by the entities they belong to or relevant departments in accordance with the law.
第七十八条 退役军人弄虚作假骗取退役相关待遇的,由县级以上地方人民政府退役军人工作主管部门取消相关待遇,追缴非法所得,并由其所在单位或者有关部门依法给予处分。
Article 79 Where veterans break the law, the competent departments for the work on veterans of the provincial-level people's governments shall suspend, reduce or cancel relevant treatment in accordance with relevant regulations, and report to the competent department for the work on veterans of the State Council for the record.
第七十九条 退役军人违法犯罪的,由省级人民政府退役军人工作主管部门按照国家有关规定中止、降低或者取消其退役相关待遇,报国务院退役军人工作主管部门备案。
Veterans who feel aggrieved by the decision of the competent departmentsfor the work on veterans of the provincial-level people’s government to suspend, reduce or cancel their treatment may apply for administrative reconsideration or file an administrative lawsuit in accordance with the law.
Article 80 Where a violation of this Law constitutes a violation of public security administration, the violator shall be subject to public security administration penalties in accordance with the law. Where a violation constitutes a crime, the violator shall be held criminally accountable in accordance with the law.
第八十条 违反本法规定,构成违反治安管理行为的,依法给予治安管理处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
Chapter X Supplementary Provisions
第十章 附 则
Article 81 This Law shall apply to officers, non-commissioned officers, and conscripts of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force who have beendischarged from active duty, unless dishonorably, in accordance with the law.
第八十一条 中国人民武装警察部队依法退出现役的警官、警士和义务兵等人员,适用本法。
Article 82 The provisions concerning officers of this Law shall apply to civilian officials.
第八十二条 本法有关军官的规定适用于文职干部。
Relevant provisions of this Law shall apply to trainees at service academies who have been discharged from active duty, unless dishonorably, in accordance with the law.
Article 83 The provisions of this Law concerning war veterans shall applyto nuclear test veterans.
第八十三条 参试退役军人参照本法有关参战退役军人的规定执行。
The scope, qualifications and identification procedures for war veterans and nuclear test veterans shall be prescribed by the relevant departments of the Central Military Commission, in conjunction with the competent department for the work on veterans of the State Council and other departments.
Article 84 Former officers of the military who permanently leave the post for rest and the former officers at the level of corps or above shall be resettled as required by the relevant regulations of the State Council and the Central Military Commission.
第八十四条 军官离职休养和军级以上职务军官退休后,按照国务院和中央军事委员会的有关规定安置管理。
The treatment of veterans who have chosen to resettle by employment based on individual initiative before this Law goes into force shall be accorded treatment as stipulated by the relevant regulations of the State Council and the Central Military Commission.
Article 85 This Law shall go into force as of January 1, 2021.
第八十五条 本法自2021年1月1日起施行。