China Justice Observer


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CJO Staff Contributors Team

CJO Staff Contributors Team
CJO Staff Contributors Team
Dr. Guodong Du and the team of legal professionals work on articles, analyses, and comments for China Justice Observer.

The CJO Staff Contributors Team is led by Dr. Guodong Du, the co-founder of China Justice Observer.

To cover a wide range of topics relating to Chinese law and judicial system, Dr. Du and the team of legal professionals work on articles, analyses, and comments for China Justice Observer.

925 Articles

Fri, 21 Jan 2022 China Legal Trends CJO Staff Contributors Team

In December 2021, China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) issued the “Regulatory Provisions of the State Council on the Offshore Securities Issuance and Listing of Domestic Companies (Draft for Public Comment)” (国务院关于境内企业境外发行证券和上市的管理规定(草案征求意见稿)), which for the first time clarifies the legality of VIE structure.