Sat, 08 May 2021 Insights Guodong Du 杜国栋 , Meng Yu 余萌
Building the arbitration credibility and the opening-up of arbitration sector in Shanghai and Beijing FTZs are highlights of China's latest arbitration policies.
Sat, 08 May 2021 Insights Guodong Du 杜国栋 , Meng Yu 余萌
Building the arbitration credibility and the opening-up of arbitration sector in Shanghai and Beijing FTZs are highlights of China's latest arbitration policies.
Sun, 02 May 2021 Insights Guodong Du 杜国栋 , Meng Yu 余萌
China's arbitration policies have been increasing since 2015, and the arbitration is gradually gaining widespread attention. We need to understand why this is happening.
Sun, 11 Apr 2021 Insights Dennis (Yongquan) Deng 邓永泉
No, the agreement, at least the part relating to the organizational structure and internal governance matters, may not be arbitrable, says Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court in Tang v. Beijing XX Decoration Technology Company (2019).
Sun, 03 Jan 2021 Insights Meng Yu 余萌 , Ruida Chen 陈锐达
In 2019, the Chinese courts have heard a total of 30 cases concerning the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards.
Fri, 25 Dec 2020 Insights Jin Huang 黄进
The Supplemental Arrangement on the Mutual Enforcement of Arbitral Awards between the Mainland and Hong Kong SAR (2020) provides detailed interpretation on reciprocal enforcement of arbitral awards, and further refines the interregional judicial assistance system.
Sun, 20 Dec 2020 China Legal Trends Yanru Chen 陈彦茹
Supplementary Arrangement Concerning Mutual Enforcement of Arbitration Awards between Mainland and Hong Kong was concluded in November 2020.
Thu, 17 Dec 2020 China Legal Trends Yanru Chen 陈彦茹
Hubei High People’s Court formulated the Guiding Opinions on Regulating the Judicial Review of Arbitration in November 2020.
Sun, 15 Nov 2020 China Legal Trends CJO Staff Contributors Team
The WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Shanghai Service, the first business organization of foreign arbitration institutions in China, has begun handling cases in 2020.
Thu, 15 Oct 2020 Insights Jian Zhang 张建
Today, 15 Oct. 2020, the International Commercial Dispute Prevention and Settlement Organization (ICDPASO, 国际商事争端预防与解决组织) has been established in Beijing, China. As a non-governmental international organization, ICDPASO will provide legal services including commercial arbitration, commercial mediation, investment arbitration and dispute prevention for countries/regions around the globe.
Sun, 27 Sep 2020 Insights Jian Zhang 张建
As shown in Brentwood case (2020), arbitral awards rendered in Mainland China by foreign arbitral institutions can be enforced as foreign-related Chinese awards and shall be subject to the same stringent judicial review standards as Chinese arbitral awards.