On 31 Dec. 2024, the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal People’s Congress, the local legislature, passed the “Beijing Autonomous Vehicle Regulation” (北京市自动驾驶汽车条例, hereinafter the “Regulation”), which will come into force on 1 Apr. 2025.
Since September 2020, Beijing has been at the forefront of establishing China’s first high-level autonomous driving demonstration zone, accumulating practical experience along the way.
The Regulation emphasizes two core principles: “development” and “safety”. It outlines regulations for autonomous vehicle technology innovation, infrastructure planning and construction, road access management, and safety assurance, providing clear expectations for market entities dealing with Level 3 and above autonomous vehicles.
According to the Regulation, Beijing supports the use of autonomous vehicles in personal passenger cars, urban public buses, taxis, and urban operational services. After road tests, demonstration applications, and safety evaluations, autonomous vehicles can apply for road application pilot programs.
In addition, road application pilot activities must be conducted with safety personnel and platform safety monitoring personnel as required. These personnel are responsible for issuing warnings and taking control of the vehicle in case of emergencies, as well as assisting in accident liability determination and handling in the event of traffic accidents.
Photo by Freeman Zhou on Unsplash
Contributors: CJO Staff Contributors Team