On 21 Nov. 2024, the local legislature of Zhuhai, Guangdong Province (the Standing Committee of the Zhuhai Municipal People’s Congress) adopted the “Commercial Mediation Regulation of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin” (横琴粤澳深度合作区商事调解条例, hereinafter the “Regulation”) , which came into effect on 1 Jan. 2025.
As the first local regulation in China to regulate commercial mediation activities, the Regulation has attracted considerable attention since its promulgation. Comprising seven chapters and 39 articles, the Regulation covers commercial mediation organizations, mediators, procedures, mediation agreements, supervision, and legal liabilities.
The highlights of the Regulation are as follows.
- The Regulation applies to commercial mediation activities carried out by commercial mediation organizations within the cooperation zone. The term “commercial mediation organizations” refers to nonprofit entities legally established within the cooperation zone to provide mediation services.
- Commercial mediation is conducted independently, free from interference by administrative organs, social organizations, or individuals.
- The cooperation zone supports commercial mediation organizations, upon meeting domestic regulatory requirements and completing the filing process, in engaging individuals from the Macao SAR, Hong Kong SAR, or other foreign jurisdictions with professional and international credibility as mediators.
Photo by Joshua Fernandez on Unsplash
Contributors: CJO Staff Contributors Team