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China Cracks Down on Illegal Application of Assisted Reproductive Technology

Tue, 10 Oct 2023
Categories: China Legal Trends

The Chinese government plans to implement the “Work Plan for the Special Action of Severely Cracking Down on the Illegal Application of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)” (开展严厉打击非法应用人类辅助生殖技术专项活动工作方案, hereinafter the “Plan”) from June to December 2023.

The Plan aims to crack down on the trade of gametes, zygotes, and embryos in any form, as well as the illegal application of ART, such as surrogacy and the illegal collection and donation of eggs.

It is believed that these acts violate women’s dignity, have the negative effect of objectifying women, and lead to crimes that seriously infringe upon the rights and interests of women and children, such as intentional injury, illegal detention, and trafficking of women and children. Accordingly, the Chinese government has formulated this Plan.

The highlights of the Plan are as follows.

  • The administrative penalties against medical institutions and medical personnel who provide ART services in violation of laws and regulations shall be increased.
  • ART practitioners shall be strictly prohibited from providing ART services in institutions that do not have qualifications or do not have corresponding technical categories.
  • Medical institutions shall strengthen the identification of patients and verify identity information in patients’ sperm collection, egg collection, embryo transfer, and other key links.



Photo by Vardan Papikyan on Unsplash

Contributors: CJO Staff Contributors Team

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